Young Marine Creed (R)

1. Obey my parents and all others in charge of me whether young or old.
2. Keep myself neat at all times without other people telling me to.
3. Keep myself clean in mind by attending the church of my faith.
4. Keep my mind alert to learn in school, at home or at play.
5. Remember having self-discipline will enable me to control my body and mind in case of an emergency.

The first article of the Creed states you should obey your parents and all others in charge of you, such as your brothers, sisters, teachers, police, and other adults. By doing so, you easily earn their respect and confidence.

The second article tells you to keep yourself neat at all times without other people telling you to do so. This will make sure that you are presentable and prepared to meet anyone at a moment's notice.

The third article tells you to keep yourself clean in mind by attending the church of your faith. Many of the early settlers of America came here so they could practice their religion freely. You should show respect for all Young Marines in the practice of their religion.

The fourth article states to keep your mind alert in school, at home or at play. The best ticket to a successful life is a good education. It cannot be stressed enough for all Young Marines to get as good an education as possible. Learning at home can take many forms- cooking, cleaning, organizing your room, home maintenance, auto mechanics, gardening, recycling, lawn maintenance, budgeting, checkbook/savings accounting, and many more areas. You should take advantage of the abilities and talents of your family and friends to learn life skills. It is also important to keep alert at play. If someone gets hurt and you are alert enough to notice, you will be able to apply first aid or better yet, if you are alert you may be able to prevent someone from getting hurt.

The fifth and final article of the creed states that remembering to have discipline will allow you to control your body and mind in case of an emergency. Most of you have been through emergency drills at school to practice what to do in case of a fire, earthquake, tornado, hurricane or other disaster, depending upon where you live. And you probably were pretty calm during these practice drills. If you can remain that calm when a real life emergency happens, you will be of great help to yourself and those around you.